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Below you will find trainings for school safety professionals across the United States.

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View Course: Engaging Collaborators in School Safety Program Planning (On Demand)
Planning a successful school safety program often means needing to find and collaborate with various types of partners. However, identifying and managing those partner relationships can sometimes be difficult. What should you look for in a partner, and when in the process should you reach out? In this webinar, participants will learn how to find partners that best suit their school safety program goals, and determine when in the planning process to connect with them. Presenters will also discuss how to define scopes of work, develop an outreach strategy, conduct an evaluation, and successfully implement a program. We will also discuss best practices for communicating and collaborating on STOP grants.
Listing Catalog: National Center for School Safety
Listing Date: Started Apr 7, 2021
Listing Price: FREE
Listing Credits: 1