
Improving School Climate & Safety Through Inter-Professional Collaboration Training Series (On-Demand)

Started Sep 14, 2020
4 credits


Full course description

Training Series

In this on-demand Training Series, we will look at school climate inter-professionally to see how teachers, administrators, researchers, and law enforcement can work together to facilitate a safe and engaging school climate. Following the completion of each session, participants will be provided post-session learning activities that build upon each session’s lessons and prepares them for the next installment of the series. By watching all four of the sessions in this series, participants will gain a holistic view of challenges and topics related to school climate and inter-professional collaboration. 



  • Session 1: School Climate and Safety in the Distance Learning Environment
    • Panelists: Dr. Rachel Masi (Director of Research, Sandy Hook Promise), Dr. Jennifer Maeng (Research Associate Professor, University of Virginia), Kate Schweit (Owner, Schweit Consulting), Pamela Black (Educational Consultant, National Council for Behavioral Health), Dave Okada (Principal-Safety and Threat Solutions, LLC)
  • Session 2: Examples of Anonymous Reporting Systems
    • Panelists: Kenji Okuma (Crisis Center Director, Sandy Hook Promise), Anathea Simpkins (National Deputy Director, Sandy Hook Promise), Paul Freeman (Superintendent, Guilford Public Schools)
  • Session 3: School-based Prevention Programming
    • Panelists: Dr. Chris Melde (Professor, Michigan State University), Dr. Rachel Masi (Director of Research, Sandy Hook Promise), Danny Carlson (Director of Policy and Advocacy, National Association of Elementary School Principals), Dr. Linda Henderson-Smith (Director – Children & Trauma-Informed Services), Terri Bennett (Director of Federal Grants, Sandy Hook Promise)
  • Session 4: Collaboration and Information Sharing
    • Panelists: Dr. Joe Erardi (Retired Superintendent, JE Consulting), Kenji Okuma (Crisis Center Director, Sandy Hook Promise), Kate Schweit (Owner, Schweit Consulting)


Teachers, School Resource Officer (SROs), Administrators


Learning Objectives

  • Session 1 Objectives: 
    • Identify how school climate changes for online learning.
    • Discuss challenges that can arise in building school climate when using distance learning.
    • Discuss opportunities for inter-professional collaboration in building school climate.
  • Session 2 Objectives: 
    • Define the term "Anonymous Reporting System."
    • Explain the inter-professional component of Anonymous Reporting Systems.
    • Discuss the school climate benefits of an Anonymous Reporting System.
  • Session 3 Objectives: 
    • Define the term "school-based prevention programming."
    • Identify potential steps to take for implementing school-based prevention programming.
    • Discuss strategies for selecting school-based prevention programming.
  • Session 4 Objectives: 
    • Identify potential restrictions that can impact your colleague's ability to share information.
    • Discuss potential challenges to information sharing.
    • Discuss how to balance privacy with the need to share information.

Continuing Education Credit

This on-demand training series is offered for an NCSS certificate of completion.



This project was supported by Cooperative Agreement No. 2019-YS-BX-K001 awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a component of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Office for Victims of Crime, and the Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking. Points of view or opinions in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.


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